- Speed reference is read by a programmable analog input or by encoder.
- The reel diameter can be determined by one of following solutions:
> internal operations based on speed reference reading by analog input;
> internal operations based on speed reference reading by encoder;
> internal operations based on the number of winding (the initial diameter must be set);
> a sonar probe connected to a programmable analog input;
> an electro-mechanical tracer or analog sensor connected to a programmable analog input;
> In steady state, only for the DANCER function, by control of the dandy roll.
- The reel diameter can be memorized on Eeprom memory at switch-off.
- The diameter acquisition can be frozen by a programmable input.
- The winding direction can be selected by a programmable input.
- Programmable inputs for JOG controls.
- Minimum and maximum diameter alarm and relative programmable outputs.
- Available winding/unwinding functions: SPEED/TORQUE, STRETCH, CELL, DANCER, MASTER;
- Switch between the different functions is possible by a different combination of programmable digital inputs.